What is Diamond Symmetry? Expert’s Evaluate Symmetry of Diamonds

What is Diamond Symmetry? Expert’s Evaluate Symmetry of Diamonds

Does diamond symmetry actually matter? While Diamond Pros says diamond symmetry is negligible, how much light performance is affected by poor diamond symmetry? Explore the answers with our experts now.

What is diamond symmetry?

A diamond is called symmetrical when all the facets on it are proportionate. To ensure the facets on the diamond are excellent, gemologists take the shape, alignment, and location of the facets from one another. In technical terms, the symmetry of diamonds refers to the proportion or alignment of the above and below facets with respect to the girdle of the diamond.

Why does Diamond Symmetry matter?

Diamond symmetry is not as crucial for the brilliance as much as Cut or Clarity. However, if you end up purchasing a poor symmetry of diamond, appreciating the brilliance of the rock can be tough. Although diamond symmetry does not make visible changes for everyday wear, you must assess the facets of the diamond you wish to buy under the organic light, before the purchase.

What is the effect of Diamond Symmetry on Light performance?

Just as the Cut of a diamond is vital to the brilliance and light performance, diamond symmetry weighs value too. The truth is, the light performance of a diamond is evaluated based on its crown angles and table size or depth rather than an alignment of the facets in the diamond. Hence, a diamond with excellent symmetry might look boring if it’s cut badly!

In short, there is no need to spend additional money on excellent symmetry if you have a good choice of diamond with ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’ symmetry.

How to understand the diamond symmetry scale?

·         Excellent

The highest grade of diamond symmetry called excellent symmetry needs a suave polishing process. On such a diamond, you will not even see the polishing marks of the facets!

·         Very Good

The faintness of the polishing marks renders the symmetry of a diamond. The lesser you notice, the better symmetrical the diamond is. For a Very Good symmetry in diamonds, faint lines are visible.

·         Good

Under 10x magnification, diamonds with ‘Good’ symmetry shows visible flaws in the facets. It is the common variety of diamonds available.

·         Fair

Besides the 10x loupe, diamonds with ‘Fair’ symmetry shows flaws in the facets to the naked eye. Such diamonds are less common in diamond shops due to their low symmetry.

·         Poor

In a diamond with poor symmetry, brilliance is blurred. Poorly symmetrical diamonds are often discarded by diamond engagement ring sellers as they look unfit.

Which is the Best Diamond Symmetry shape?

Featuring the highest grades of polish as well as symmetry is the Hearts and Arrows Diamonds. These diamonds have ideal symmetry with round shape, stunning to the naked eye as well as the crystal structure. When you look at the rock from below, you see hearts and arrows from above. If you’re smitten by the symmetry of diamonds for engagement rings, get Hearts and Arrows from James Allen here!

15 Common Flaws that affect Diamond Symmetry Grading

1.       Scratches

Any haphazard line on the diamond rock during appraisal counts as scratches on the diamond symmetry.

2.       Girdle

The thickness of the diamond girdle must be less than 1.2% for Excellent diamond symmetry. Despite lack of consistency, diamond shows Wavy Girdle, lowering the diamond symmetry.

3.       Nick

The blemishes and mismatches at the junction of girdle and facets on the diamond, it is called a nick.

4.       Abrasions

When you find recurrent nicks at the connections of facets, it is referred to as abrasions.

5.       Not so Round

When the diamond has a cubic girdle, it looks less round. GIA appraises 0-0.9% variations for the Excellent type of diamond symmetry.

6.       Pavilion Variations

The difference you get between the minimum depth of the pavilion and maximum depth of the pavilion must be lower than 1.2% for excellent diamond symmetry. When unequal angles of the pavilion are more than 0.090 the diamond will be ‘very good’ than ‘excellent’.

7.       Pit

When pinpoint inclusions protrude out during diamond polishing, it leaves behind a pit.

8.       Off center Table

If the table looks off-center when observed from the crown of the diamond, it downgrades the symmetry in diamond.

9.       Lizard skin

When you see bumps on the diamond after polishing, it is downgraded.

10.   Culet away from Center

Upon observing your diamond from the face-up, you notice the pavilion does not meet at the center, it is a flaw in diamond symmetry.

11.   Burn Scars

When a diamond suffers damaging heat, a translucent white layer of dullness is left behind on it called burn scars.

12.   Crown out of alignment

If you see variations in the 9 crowns of the diamond, more than 1.2 0 is deemed ‘very good’. Crown height variations also lead to flaws in the symmetry.

13.   Rough Girdle

When the diamond girdle is left unpolished after cutting the diamond round.

In a Nutshell

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